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Prasar Bharati in 2021 – Digital/TV Viewership Highlights

As the year 2021 comes to a close, let’s take a look at how Prasar Bharati, through its twin network of Doordarshan and All India Radio, touched, informed and entertained people through the length and breadth of the country, delivering content of viewers’ choice in their respective regional languages and dialects.

In 2021, popularity of Doordarshan gained new heights as DD channels across the country together clocked viewership of more than 6 Billion. These channels reached more than 680 Million viewers in 2021.

With audience spanning across 190+ countries, more than 185 YouTube channels of Doordarshan and All India Radio together registered more than Billion views in 2021. Their ‘watch time’ for the entire duration of 2021 sums up to a stupendous figure of 94 Million Hours.

Thanks to increasing popularity in more than 190 countries and 790 cities across the globe, Prasar Bharati’s App NewsOnAir clocked a listenership of 214 Million+ in 2021.

The public broadcaster delivering on its mandate of public service has stood strong with the people during the testing times of the pandemic, ensuring that COVID awareness messages, free consultation with Doctors and important government guidelines reaches every last person in every nook and corner of the country. These contents were delivered in multiple Indian languages and dialects. Below are some figures on the same.

Covid-19 related coverage in 2021 on Doordarshan Network
S.No Content Type Count Duration (In Hrs) Reach (in Million)
1 Social Messages 34K 532+ 95 M+
2 Promo 384K 106+ 6 M +
3 Special Program 3.8K 1685+ 43 M +
4 News Bulletins 59K 22775+ 356 M+


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