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Bouygues Telecom, Starlink collaborate for high-speed satellite broadband

With the announced end of the copper network by 2030, some operators are looking for alternatives to guarantee and maintain a high-speed internet connection for their customers, both individuals and professionals.

And while optical fiber and 5G obviously remain the preferred technologies, a new method has been gaining ground in recent years: satellite internet. As we write these lines, many players have already launched themselves to conquer this new market. We are thinking in particular of Amazon with its Kuiper project, which should also arrive in France soon. For good reason, Arcep gave its green light a few days ago for the launch of the first Kuiper tests in France.

But of course, Amazon is still far, very far, from having caught up with the undisputed market leader: Starlink. As of May 2024, SpaceX’s solution had more than 3 million customers worldwide. Through its constellation of more than 6,000 satellites installed in low orbitthe service allows you to obtain high-speed connections up to 350 Mbit/s per second downloadall at a latency of 25 ms.

Bouygues Telecom teams up with Starlink to offer satellite internet
And as our colleagues at La Tribune report, Bouygues Telecom has rightly chosen to join forces with Starlink to add satellite internet to your offer dedicated to professionals. According to the operator, companies will be able to use Starlink as “a back-up solution, in addition to existing technologies (4G/5G, optical fiber), or in areas where fiber has not yet been deployed or 5G coverage is insufficient.”

Several packages will also be offered to professionals, which will include: the provision and installation of Starlink kitsbut also the subscription required to enjoy the satellite internet connection. In addition, “Bouygues Telecom Entreprises experts and technicians will be alongside customers at every stage of the implementation of this solution, which will be adapted to the different configurations and constraints specific to professional sites.”

Note that the operator already has its first Starlink customer via Bouyguesnamely ID Logistics (an international company specializing in contract logistics). The company plans to equip more than 400 sites in Europe by South America and Asia with Starlink kits. Now, it remains to be seen whether Bouygues Telecom also plans to distribute Starlink offers to individuals. Time will tell. Gearrice

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