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Aruna Sundararajan joins Broadband India Forum as Chairperson

The Broadband India Forum (BIF) has appointed Aruna Sundararajan IAS (Retd.), Former Secretary (Telecom), Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications and Chairperson, Digital Communications Commission (DCC), as the Chairperson of the organisation with immediate effect.

BIF has announeed that Sundararajan accepted to chair the forum and to guide the organisation in its mission of improving affordable broadband proliferation and usage access in India.

TV Ramachandran, President of Broadband India Forum, said, “We are most fortunate and honoured to have the leadership of Aruna Sundararajan in our avowed mission of ‘Broadband for All’ in a technology-neutral and all-inclusive manner. We are confident that she would guide us to higher heights of excellence in serving the economy, the nation, and the consumer”.

Sundararajan has had several firsts to her credit during her illustrious career.

As the Chairperson of DCC, she was one of the primary forces behind the creation of the highly-acclaimed world-class telecom policy—NDCP 2018—and has been keenly involved in giving support and encouragement to the unique WANI architecture. She was the Chairperson of the 5G High-Level Forum and played a key role in formulating India’s policy on 5G.

Commenting on her joining BIF and sharing her vision for digital India, Sundararajan said, ”I am absolutely delighted to accept the invitation to be Chairperson of Broadband India Forum and contribute my best efforts to lead the think tank in its pursuit of ‘Broadband for All’ and the digital transformation of India.” The Hindu BusinessLine

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