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Coronavirus Outbreak: FICCI Frames 2020 Postponed

We recently reported on Italy, this year’s partner country at FICCI Frames, pulling out amid Coronavirus scare.

However it was not clear on whether the event itself, which witnesses a massive gathering of media delegates from all over, will play by its slated dates, 18 to 20 March at Grand Hyatt Mumbai

Now, it has been confirmed that the event, like many others in the industry, has been postponed and new dates will be announced soon.  The official website on the event displays a banner stating a message on why they are cancelling the event.

Here is the message that is displayed on the site:

It is attended by nearly 2000 Indian and 800 foreign delegates encompassing the entire universe of media and entertainment. It attracts not only the industry stakeholders from across the world, but also the government policy makers from India and abroad.

FICCI generally comprises of more than 35 knowledge sessions, over 200 high profile speakers from across the world, country specific delegations, creative workshops and master classes, content and services market, pitching sessions, Shoot at Site, one to one business meetings, cultural evenings and the FICCI Best Animated Frames (BAF) Awards, which is one of the oldest animation, VFX and gaming honours of the country. Animation Xpress

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