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Indian telcos push for OTT apps regulation

The Indian telecom operators have asked the sector regulator to bring the OTT (over-the-top) apps under telecom regulation. Note that the telcos mean the OTT communication platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. This is not the first time operators have made such a request. The OTT communication apps are direct competition for the telcos as they provide texting and calling services, but are under no regulation. Telecom players, on the other hand, have to comply with regulatory norms for business practices and are also liable to pay a regulatory fee.

The operators want a level playing field and because the OTT players also offer similar services, the telcos want them to be under regulation as well.

Airtel, in its response to TRAI for a consultation paper, said, “OTT services and applications have thrived and multiplied, enabling factors being absence of any regulatory barriers and instant access to a global audience through the broadband connectivity powered internet.”

Along with this, the telecom operators are happy about the idea of a PAN-India single license for telecom services. This will help them in doing business more easily, simply regulations, reduce litigations, and more. At the same time, the operators have cautioned that the existing structural core of the sector should not be disturbed by the new licensing rules.

Earlier, telcos have also asked for a share of revenues from the OTT communication companies. This is because the traffic of the OTT communication platforms rides on the mobile networks of the operators. However, this was seen as a conflict with the net neutrality rules by many. For now, this request has not resurfaced. The government would have to take the decision to bring OTT platforms under regulation very carefully as it would affect everyone, from the end consumer to the business. TelecomTalk

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