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IPL 2020: ”Doesn’t respect Indian sentiments,” Traders body slams BCCI for announcing Dream11 as title sponsors

BCCI, on Wednesday, officially announced a fantasy gaming platform Dream11 as the title sponsors for the upcoming IPL 2020 season, which will be played in UAE from September 19.

However, this move has come in for much criticism from the Traders’ body, the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT), which are opposing Dream11 due to the company having investment from China.

CAIT alleged that the BCCI has ‘hoodwinked the people of India’ and its decision to suspend VIVO’s deal for title sponsorship of IPL 2020 ‘was a mere eyewash’. Also, in its letter to the sports minister also said BCCI ‘has no sympathies with the Indian soldiers’ and ‘does not respect the sentiments of the Indian citizens‘. Circle Of Cricket


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