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ISRO aims to launch QKD satellite

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is set to embark on a groundbreaking mission to launch its own Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) satellite. With Ahmedabad taking center stage, this initiative aims to revolutionize the nation’s communication security by establishing an impregnable quantum communication system.

In a momentous announcement made during the inaugural session of the Param Vikram 1000 High-Performance Cluster (HPC) computing facility at the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), ISRO outlined its ambitious plan.

ISRO, in collaboration with PRL, the ISRO-Space Applications Centre (SAC), and various other institutions, has formed a dedicated team of scientists. Over the next two years, this team will spearhead the advancements in quantum communication technology.

March 2020 marked a significant milestone for ISRO-SAC when they successfully demonstrated free-space quantum communication over a distance of 300 meters. Encouraged by this achievement, PRL’s Thaltej campus initiated a series of experiments to delve deeper into the immense potential of this cutting-edge technology.

During the event, Chairman S Somanath emphasized the team’s expertise in short-range optical quantum communication, particularly in Ahmedabad. They achieved a major breakthrough by effectively transmitting data across a span of 300 meters.

The ultimate objective is to seamlessly integrate this advanced technology into ISRO’s satellites, enabling closed-loop communication with minimal signal attenuation through QKD. However, further enhancements and refinements are necessary to bring this vision to fruition.

Chairman Somanath reaffirmed ISRO’s unwavering commitment to continuously refine the technology and incorporate it into future satellite launches.

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is an advanced communication method that relies on the principles of quantum physics rather than traditional mathematical calculations. This groundbreaking technology ensures unparalleled security in data transfer.

At the core of quantum communications and cryptographic systems, QKD enables robust transmission of classical bits, representing “0” and “1,” across a network for various purposes like emails, video calls, and banking transactions.

Simultaneously, the decryption keys are transmitted as quantum entangled states known as qubits. These qubits, encoded into a polarized photon beam generated by a single photon or light source, carry binary values.

Any attempt to intercept or eavesdrop on the transmission disrupts the delicate quantum nature of the encrypted key, triggering an immediate alert for all parties involved. This inherent characteristic of QKD ensures an exceptionally secure method of data transfer.

With the launch of its own Quantum Key Distribution satellite, ISRO is poised to reshape the landscape of communication security in India. By harnessing the power of quantum physics, ISRO aims to establish an unhackable communication infrastructure, safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring seamless data transfer across the nation.

The collaborative efforts of ISRO, PRL, ISRO-SAC, and other esteemed institutions will push the boundaries of quantum communication technology. As the team works tirelessly over the next two years, India’s journey towards becoming a global leader in secure quantum communication is set to accelerate. Stay tuned for more updates on this groundbreaking mission. News Track Live

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