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Mo-Sys Engineering showcases StarTracker Studio

Mo-Sys is showcasing its award-winning StarTracker Studio at BroadcastAsia 2020’s all-new virtual reality experience.

Having recently won a Virtual Best of Show Award during IBC 2020, Mo-Sys StarTracker Studio, the world’s first pre-configured virtual production system, brings moving camera virtual production within reach of all market sectors.

StarTracker from Mo-Sys is proven as the most precise and reliable camera tracking technology, using dots on the studio ceiling (“stars”) which are placed at random and tracked to plot camera positions with extraordinary accuracy.

StarTracker Studio combines StarTracker camera tracking with a powerful all-in-one virtual production system capable of working with green screen studios or LED volumes. The system uses Mo-Sys VP Pro software to connect camera tracking data from up to 16 cameras to the Unreal Engine graphics. StarTracker Studio uses a smart system design to reduce the typical hardware required for multi-camera virtual production, and the whole system comes pre-configured in a flight-cased rack.

Mo-Sys has detailed how its VP Pro and StarTracker technologies operate with LED volumes for virtual productions that want to use on-set finishing techniques.

“LED-wall technology now offers a viable alternative to the traditional green screen / post-production workflow for visual effects (VFX) shooting. Specifically, LED walls enable a composited shot to be captured on-set, rather than just previewed on-set, thereby removing the need for downstream post-production,” Geissler continued. “LED walls won’t replace green screen, both will co-exist going forwards as each is suited to a different type of VFX shot. The benefit of StarTracker Studio is that it handles both workflows”. – BCS Bureau


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