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PTI plans to launch its Video Services

In an exclusive interaction, Deepak Tiwari, Deputy Head of Technology Services, Press Trust of India shares his experience of launching video services.

“Press Trust of India (PTI) is India’s premier news agency, with a reach that covers every corner of India. Collectively, our journalists put out more than 800 stories every day to feed the appetite of the diverse subscribers, who include the mainstream media, the specialized presses, research groups, companies, and government and non-governmental organizations.

PTI correspondents are also based in leading capitals and important business and administrative centers around the world. It also has exchange arrangements with several foreign news agencies to magnify its global news footprint.

PTI will be launching video services shortly, and understands very well that backpack/mobile-based news gathering has changed overall news-coverage model, especially in India, where news is changing rapidly. If you want to have a rapid news-coverage setup, then we cannot be fully dependent on traditional news-coverage equipment, where we need lots of logistics and investments, and it needs a detailed planning and time to deploy it in news event locations.

New mobile-based apps, with bonding features and compact backpacks, have changed this and helped in quick and easy deployment of news-gathering equipment in news locations.

We at PTI explored various products and solutions like satellite-based news gathering, big broadcast cameras, etc., but we decided to use more backpacks and related solutions than traditional (high cost) solutions to strengthen our coverage and ease of use.

LiveU was picked as they have a huge solution range, starting from backpacks to mojo apps and other infrastructure-related delivery solutions. They also have a global presence with top-edge customer support, which is very crucial for news coverage like business.

We are confident that along with LiveU products, PTI will be highly successful in its upcoming news products.”

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