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Radio And Social Media – A Killer Combination

Radio is the original social medium. It has always been the connector between the community and listener, and at the top of that connection is the radio personality who guides the conversation. But that connection also extends well beyond the broadcast use of social media as part of the strategy that engages and helps to grow listeners. Naturally, it moves from traditional media to social media and back again. Listeners are passionate about their radio stations; the on-air personalities on those stations that speak to them every day now get 24×7 access via social media and this helps to increase the bond between listeners and on-air personalities.

What has social media done to radio? It helps radio stations to listen to what people are talking about, locally and nationally. It helps to keep people aware of the station. Radio stations are becoming digital hubs by creating original digital content. It helps local on-air personalities to become more interactive. It has given alternate space to radio stations to share different types of content to see what works best. Which has the most re-tweets, responses, and likes? The more engaged the listeners are, the more they become interested in the radio station.

Social media sites are big global communities with millions of users. Radio stations have taken an advantage of this by creating humorous videos, driving on trending hashtags, tagging celebrities, since in this way the post might be seen by the fans of celebrities who do not follow the radio station. This has helped radio stations to bring a new chunk of listeners. There have been surveys and studies that speak of the connection and the loyal listeners that radio stations have, show Its ability to ignite social activity more than any other medium. And this does not end here!

In recent times, radio stations have entered a space of creating their own digital content which has become an instant HIT. Radio stations are now transforming into video content hubs with dedicated teams. This shows how important social media integration has become in the radio industry. Social media pages attract large numbers of loyal listeners looking for news, fun videos, photos, feedback from on-air personalities, and local event information.

Assuming you have something to say or show, there is no better way than a radio station to share it ON social media with thousands – or even millions – of people. The ability to drive communities is something that just did not exist before social media became a part of the digital DNA. Radio stations these days have tailor made content so that the same can be consumed on the radio station and social media. This gives a global reach to local content and caters to new audience which is active on social media.

When you hear social media, you immediately think of places like Facebook and Twitter, but it is much bigger than that. YouTube, apps for iOS, and Android are biggest content hubs. When your radio station shares content online it is best to think about this as an overall content marketing strategy. Social media for radio stations is incredibly important as it is a part of a station’s brand and identity. Creating a social media strategy gives them a global audience and 24×7 access to content and the success of the radio station’s social media presence these days is key to define the brand. In order to build a good social media strategy, a radio station has to know, who its audience is, and what the station’s values, views, and mission are. A radio station needs to understand which social media platforms its target audience is using and then act in those channels using the right tone and content.

Radio and social media also work well together when there is some kind of incentive. Social media, in particular, is a perfect platform to engage people with contests and promotions. Combining radio and social media can be a cost-effective way to reach more people, more often, and in an engaging way. Radio has the perfect combination of local content, music, and personalities that listeners are loyal to, and have a huge audience and mass reach. Social media provides the ability to have one-on-one interactions and the power to humanize a brand. There is a secret that is most difficult for some to learn when it comes to social media. It relates to consistency and prolonged effort, strategy, and a willingness to learn to connect like no one else with listeners you want to attract and influence. The radio is in a perfect position to explore closer relationships with local listeners through social media; so no matter where the broadcast radio is, fans follow! Radio is: engaging, interactive, and social. Radio is the original social medium. Radio and social media form a perfect combination.

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